This is your sacred task, I think.

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I also believe this 💛

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Adored this love letter to May, Lynne. It reminded me of how I feel when the first buds begin to peep through the soil at winter’s tail end. And of the pops of joy as I spy wildflowers bursting from wall cracks. A wonderful, visceral piece.

It also got me thinking about the way the months can just blur by, especially as the years add up. The idea of holding one, or some, sacred for its own special reason, and the anticipation of this, feels like an added delight.

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Thank you Christina 💕💕 it feels even now in early June that those beautiful new days of spring are behind us and everything looks tangled and chaotic. But, oh, the June hedgerows! I can feel another tribute coming on….😀

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It wasn't the time for me to book time off this year. Demands would have been unmet and fractured any peace I would have found in holidaying in May. However, thanks to you naming the beauty of May - irresistible! and so relatable in your writing - I've paid attention to May. On dog walks I've named the cow parsley and the buttercups, and the rich green. I've said it out loud to my friends and to my self. So thank you Lynne - you called my attention to this not-to-be-missed month. Your calling is calling!

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Beautifully observed and written Lynne, there is a richness here to match the month. I sat reading this in the garden; the signal is insufficient to load the photos or even the comments so I am free to paint my own picture to accompany your prose.

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Thanks Michaela, I’m glad you enjoyed it. It is such a perfect month isn’t it? I’m pleased to hear it has painted some pictures in your mind 💕

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May 23Liked by Lynne Wyness

Wow. I have never considered a month in this way. How beautiful... thank you for this idea to see it as a sacred space. I will try to feel into that, as it is so beautiful to hear how you've created something special in this way... x

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Thanks Betsy. Yes I suppose I do see it as a sacred space, it feels so precious and momentary. I’m working on appreciating the remaining months of the year in this way too. A bit harder to do with January! Xxx

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Thank you for sharing your May experience, you do it so beautifully, it is your month. It makes me want to wind back the clock and dwell. Xx

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Thanks Bel. My instinct is that you dwell very well already!

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So beautiful Lynne. May is my favourite month, and you describe it in ways I’ve never considered. A gorgeous piece of writing, thank you 💛

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Thank you Helen, so kind of you to say so xx

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Thanks Juliana! I am aware how lucky I am to be able to take time off in the academic calendar, it’s a twist of fortune that means I am more flexible with my teaching than many who teach undergraduates. Glad you got to notice it though! Walk soon? Xx

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deletedMay 22Liked by Lynne Wyness
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Thank you so much Ian. I LOVE the idea of a year on the edge (of the moor)! In fact, I had Ingold’s work in mind when I mentioned dwelling but wanted to steer away from my usual academic fare - I think it would warrant a longer piece, where I could explore his work in more detail. I haven’t read much of his original work, mostly human geographers writing about it, as is so often the way. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment, much appreciated x

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deletedMay 22Liked by Lynne Wyness
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Ooo thank you, I’ll check it out. Looking for my next book actually so good timing…

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